On behalf of Licatesi Law Group, LLP posted in Car Accidents on Saturday, January 4, 2014.

You obeyed the NY state insurance laws and purchased the right amount of no-fault insurance coverage for your vehicle. Since you understand the state established no-fault insurance requirements to facilitate claims regardless of who has fault for an accident, you naturally assume your carrier is on your side and will treat your claim fairly. Unfortunately, you need to think twice before signing that insurance settlement offer -a review by experienced New York accident lawyers may reveal a disparity between what they offer and what you need.

If you become involved in an auto accident and you sustain injuries, your primary source of compensation may be from your own no-fault auto insurance policy. However, you have to follow the rules set forth by the New York State Department of Financial Services to make sure you do not lose benefits by filing too late or failing to provide the correct information. The moment you sign a settlement offer from an insurance company, you lose the right to pursue additional funds, even if you later learn that you need more money due to additional medical treatments related to your injuries. This is why obtaining a legal review of the offer is so important.

When choosing a car accident lawyer, you need someone with extensive knowledge of liability issues and a network of investigative and medical resources to unravel the details behind your accident and your injuries. However, your attorney also needs a thorough understanding of the insurance industry, including how they process claims, and the techniques they may use to delay claims or protect their bottom lines through claim denials and underpayments. Even if you handle your entire claim on your own, an experienced lawyer knows precisely what to look for to help ensure the settlement offer provides the full and fair compensation you need to pay past, current and future anticipated expenses.

With three decades of experience, the law firm of Licatesi Law Group, LLP has a talented legal team with a reputation for delivering the desired results to our clients.