Having an amputation can be a scary, dangerous, and often involves other complex medical issues. Amputation cases normally consist of higher damages which makes them more difficult to resolve. Amputations involve removing a limb from the body ranging from a finger to a body part as large as a foot or leg. First, if you want to file a personal injury amputation case, you must be aware of New York state’s statute of limitations for personal injury cases, which is three years. However, the most important step that you must take is to hire a personal injury and amputation expert like Anthony Licatesi at The Licatesi Law Group. The expert should be someone who specializes in amputation and disfigurement law because many personal injury attorneys are unfamiliar with the complexities involved in this area of the law. Next, it is important that you have a loved one collect all the necessary evidence that your personal injury attorney will need to assist you in developing your case. This information will include medical documentation, medical bills, outstanding expenses, police reports, and whatever additional information that you may have. Years down the line, after filing a lawsuit and progressing through the discovery phase, the goal is then to reach a settlement to avoid the costs and time of going to court. In short, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss your options. The Licatesi Law Group LLP represents clients in many amputation cases like the one in the jury verdict below. If you have any questions or concerns, contact 516-227-2662 or contact the firm online to arrange a meeting about your possible case.

$8 Million Dollar Settlement: Plaintiff sustained a series of fractures and other injuries to the right shin, heel and foot, requiring nailing of the right tibia with two proximal and two distal locking bolts, ultimately resulting in below-the-knee amputation.