On behalf of Licatesi Law Group, LLP posted in construction accidents on Thursday, March 23, 2017.

Many individuals across the country work in the construction industry. Because buildings, homes and roads are constantly changing and areas are often expanding, there never seems to be a shortage of construction projects. Unfortunately, this may also mean that there is never a shortage of construction accidents that could lead to serious or fatal injuries.

It was recently reported that one out of every 10 construction workers suffers injuries every year. Additionally, New York faces considerable dangers as the number of deaths resulting from construction incidents nearly doubled in the course of a single year. Safety issues could easily be considered one of the main causes of such accidents and subsequent injuries that occur.

One safety expert believes that six elements could increase safety for workers on such projects. Those elements include personnel with the ability to carry out necessary tasks, the proper equipment and materials for completing projects, enough room to safely carry out duties, the right information for safety measures and time to safely complete the project. Having all of these elements could help prevent unnecessary injuries and deaths on construction sites.

Because construction accidents do make up a considerable number of work-related events that cause injuries, many New York workers could be among those who have suffered. If such an incident resulted in serious injuries, workers could be entitled to workers’ compensation. These benefits could supply needed financial assistance during a difficult time. Interested parties who believe they may be entitled to such benefits may want to find out more information on their filing options.

Source: readingeagle.com, “Up front: Construction is one of the most dangerous jobs in America“, Andy Andrews, March 21, 2017

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