Every day motorists must share New York roads with larger vehicles, ranging from relatively small pickup trucks to very large commercial vehicles used to carry large-volume cargo. When referring to large trucks, individuals use many interchangeable names, including semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, and 18-wheelers. Regardless of the name, all vehicles have the potential to severely injure or kill others on the road. If you or a loved one suffers injury in a truck accident, the attorneys at Licatesi Law Group, LLP have the specialized knowledge, skills, and resources needed to help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Special regulations govern commercial vehicles under New York law

New York law defines commercial vehicles as any self-propelled or towed motor vehicle used on a highway for interstate commerce when it transports passengers or property. The vehicles must weigh at least 10,001 pounds, receive compensation for transporting more than 7 passengers and the driver, transport more than 14 passengers and a driver even without compensation, or transport certain quantities of hazardous materials.

As of 2010, New York updated the enforcement process. A new Safety Measurement System performs monthly measurement of the previous two years of crash data and violations to continuously rank carriers and identify safety concerns, as follows:

  • Measurement: On-road safety performance includes unsafe driving, driver fatigue, fitness, and drug or alcohol use. It also considers vehicle maintenance, cargo loading procedures, and crash history.
  • Safety Evaluation: The new system combines onsite compliance review results with on-road performance in all investigations.
  • Intervention: The system takes early contact measures by providing carriers with access to measurement, issuing warning letters, and conducting targeted roadside inspections. They conduct both off-site and on-site investigations, and have a series of follow-on interventions, as appropriate.

The monthly measurements can provide valuable information for truck accident law firms serving Queens, Brooklyn, or other boroughs of New York conducting investigations into cases for clients injured in a tractor-trailer accident. But each truck accident lawyer at Licatesi Law Group, LLP considers this information as only a starting point. When needed, we retain investigative experts to identify all possible causes of an accident.

Motor carriers must also follow federal regulations

New York law carries its own requirements, but it closely follows federal regulations for motor carriers. These regulations include every imaginable aspect of the trucking process, including the following:

  • Requirements and responsibilities involved in receiving certification
  • Driving laws and regulations, including (but not limited to) driver fitness, safe loading of cargo, railroad crossing and stopping, and placement of warning devices
  • Requirements for drivers carrying commercial drivers licenses, including drug testing and road tests
  • An extensive list of parts and accessories required for safe operation
  • Vehicle maintenance requirements, including inspections and record keeping

An 18-wheeler accident lawyer must identify any violation of federal regulations to help develop an effective case for clients who suffer injuries in truck accidents.

Contact an experienced Brooklyn semi-truck accident attorney for a free initial consultation

With over 30 years of experience with personal injury matters, Licatesi Law Group, LLP serves injured clients and their families in Brooklyn, Queens, and throughout New York City. Each truck accident attorney at our firm has a detailed knowledge of ever-changing laws that can affect the cases of our clients. Contact us online or call 516-227-2662, to set up a free initial consultation in our offices or in your home. We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay no legal fee unless we recover compensation for your case.