Our Attorneys Can Help You Receive Compensation If Your Surgeon Left A Medical Instrument Inside Of You

When you go in for a surgery, you are likely nervous about how the procedure will go. For those who have suffered at the hands of an incompetent medical professional, situations such as finding a foreign object in your body post-surgery can be horrifying. The attorneys at The Licatesi Law Group understand the risks and consequences of such medical malpractice.

The dangers of retained foreign objects after surgery

Sometimes objects left inside patients can cause concerning health issues which result in further injury or in the worst cases death. While it is rare that death may occur, it is still negligence to leave such an object in the patient after a procedure. Most patients do not realize that retained foreign objects left in the body happen in every one in one thousand surgeries. Physicians and surgeons often make mistakes resulting in pain and suffering.

What is a retained foreign body?

A retained foreign body can take the form of many things. Most commonly, it is a surgical instrument left behind by the surgeon. Even after a patient had to undergo what may have been a worrying procedure, they must then further undergo another surgery to have it removed. During surgeries and procedures in general, it is the responsibility of the medical professional to ensure a safe environment for the patient. Their failure to do so is negligence according to the law.

Some types of foreign objects left behind are:

  • Pins
  • Needles
  • Cotton swabs
  • Scissors
  • Wires
  • Sponges
  • Clamps
  • Scalpels

What should you do if you suspect a foreign object was left behind after your surgery?

It is important that you take the correct steps to prevent any further harm being caused. Your first step should be to consult with a new doctor who can examine you. While doing so, it is critical you keep an accurate record of your treatment post-surgery. Should you have to go in for another procedure to have the foreign body removed, be sure to have the medical professional conducting the surgery keep proper record of what is found.

Picking the right medical malpractice attorney

Should you find a retained foreign object in your body, you have the right to face the doctor who caused it. The attorneys of The Licatesi Law Group are familiar with these claims and are willing to advocate for you. Whether it is the insurance company, the surgeon or the medical facility itself, our lawyers are prepared for any battle.

If you would like to learn more about how The Licatesi Law Group will fight for you, please call (516) 227-2662 to speak with one of our highly experienced lawyers.