Although Breast Cancer Awareness month has passed, it is always good to be informed. It has been well documented that a breast cancer misdiagnosis can be life-threatening. In fact, a misdiagnosis is one of the more common instances of medical malpractice.

Typically, a breast cancer misdiagnosis can be a false positive or a false negative diagnosis. Wrongly being told you have cancer may lead to time and money spent towards unnecessary treatments. Whereas, being told you do not have cancer, when you do, can decrease your chances of survival. Early detection is crucial for ensuring you receive the proper treatment in time. The later breast cancer is detected, the higher the chance it will develop into something worse. Misreading a mammogram is the most familiar way in which a medical malpractice case arises.

Another form of medical malpractice is a delayed diagnosis. Similar to a false negative, this occurs when a physician fails to inform or prescribe further testing on a suspicious mass. Failure to inform of test results, especially when there was a suspicious lump, can be dangerous. If a suspicious lump was noted but further testing was not scheduled in a timely manner, the patient is at risk. Likewise, a patient who was not informed may not go for another test until it is too late.

If you or a loved one were a victim of a breast cancer misdiagnosis, it may not be too late to get the compensation you deserve. With over 40 years of experience, The Licatesi Law Group will be able to expertly advise you on the viability of your case. Give us a call at 516-227-2662 and ask to speak with one of our personal injury attorneys.