New York City turns into a hive of activity as summer approaches. As the weather warms, more people are riding their bikes, scooters, skateboards, and motorbikes through the streets. Although these modes of transportation offer an enjoyable means of exploring the city and navigating its congested streets, they concurrently increase the likelihood of collisions. We at The Licatesi Law Group recognize the significance of motor vehicle commuting and stand ready to assist accident victims. Let us delve into the importance of road safety, with a particular emphasis on the summer season, and offer drivers some indispensable guidelines to mitigate the risk of collisions.

Cycling, scootering, and skateboarding offer convenience and adaptability that appeal to families, travelers, and commuters. Motorcycle riders also take pleasure in the season, capitalizing on the clear skies and pleasant temperatures. But if drivers are not alert, this increase in varied traffic could result in more accidents. When a car collides with a pedestrian or cyclist, the consequences can be catastrophic. Typical injuries often involve head injuries, since even while wearing helmets, cyclists and skateboarders are susceptible to concussions or traumatic brain injuries. A collision may result in severe spinal cord injuries, which have the potential to induce paralysis. The ribcage, legs, and limbs are especially susceptible to fractures and broken bones.  Blunt force trauma has the potential to induce internal injuries, which can occasionally lead to life-threatening outcomes. In addition, lacerations and abrasions can vary in severity, ranging from tiny cuts to serious wounds that necessitate considerable medical intervention.

Drivers must use extreme caution in order to protect everyone's safety, particularly during the summer. Effective strategies for accident prevention involve consistently inspecting mirrors prior to changing lanes or exiting a parking spot, surveying the surroundings when opening a car door to prevent colliding with a cyclist passing by, and maintaining a sufficient distance from cyclists and motorcyclists who may need to maneuver abruptly to evade potholes or debris. Drivers must use extreme caution in order to protect everyone's safety, particularly during the summer. Effective strategies for accident prevention involve consistently inspecting mirrors prior to changing lanes or exiting a parking spot, surveying the surroundings when opening a car door to prevent colliding with a cyclist passing by, and maintaining a sufficient distance from cyclists and motorcyclists who may need to maneuver abruptly to evade potholes or debris. It is also important to exercise vigilance at intersections, consistently being alert for pedestrians and bicycles, even if you possess the legal right to go. Be sure to adhere to bike lanes by refraining from driving or parking in them, since they are crucial for preserving the safety of cyclists. It is crucial to adapt your driving to accommodate situations such as intense sunlight or unexpected summer rainfall, as these factors might impact vision and the grip of the road. Prioritize the use of turn signals with ample anticipation to provide bicycles and pedestrians with the necessary signal for their safety. Additionally, maintain a focused mindset on the road and abstain from utilizing your phone or engaging in any other distractions when operating a vehicle.

Although preventive measures are taken, unforeseen incidents can and do occur. If and when such a situation arises, The Licatesi Law Group is readily available to provide assistance. Our staff is committed to providing unwavering assistance to those who have been involved in accidents, guiding them through the whole legal process and ensuring that they are duly awarded the appropriate level of compensation that they rightfully deserve. We are aware of the financial, emotional, and physical costs associated with accidents. Our proficient lawyers will manage every facet of your case, including the collection of evidence, negotiation with insurance companies, and representation in court, if required. We want the legal process to be as stress-free as possible so you can concentrate on getting better.

We all have a responsibility to share the road. Drivers may greatly minimize the likelihood of incidents involving pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists by being mindful of the higher volume of traffic during the summer and adhering to crucial safety guidelines. In the event of an accident, please be aware that The Licatesi Law Group is here to offer the necessary assistance and legal assistance. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, contact us today at (516) 226-2772 for your free consultation.