Falls are a leading cause of injury and death across the country, and during the Winter, slip and falls are increasingly common on ice, snow, and water. New York has complex liability laws, and because of this you’ll need a lawyer to help you avoid paying those expensive medical bills. At The Licatesi Law Group, we are here to collect evidence to prove negligence and make sure you meet the criteria for a jury to award your case.

Property owners are always responsible to upkeep their grounds and maintain safe environments during ALL seasons, and to help your case, we will need to show the property owners negligence to the hazard that caused your fall. Due to the weather changing so rapidly Winter, we recommend documenting as much evidence regarding your accident as possible. This can be done numerous ways such as writing on paper the details of the accident, taking pictures of the area specifically showing the snow and ice present, and taking pictures of any injuries received from the fall.

After collecting the above supporting evidence, we will have a strong case to prove the property owner was aware or should have been aware of the hazards and did not act on it to prevent any injury on their property. You should not be the party responsible for paying any medical bills caused from this accident as it is not your fault! We will work tirelessly to recover the damages you deserve relatively quickly. In other cases, we will file a lawsuit and take your case to trial.

The Licatesi Law Group, LLP has handled numerous slip and fall injury claims involving cities, counties and state agencies of New York. Our Brooklyn and Uniondale attorneys are ready to discuss your legal needs. Call 516-227-2662 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation.