Medical malpractice is a familiar occurrence. In a highly populated state such as New York, the likelihood for medical-related errors increases. The Covid-19 pandemic doesn’t help either. As hospitals and medical practices become understaffed and overworked; mistakes occur. These mistakes range from harmless to fatal, and potentially lead to lawsuits.

A misdiagnosis may lead to a worsened condition. This is especially true for diseases such as cancer, in which an early diagnosis is crucial. There are many instances of doctors dismissing patient concerns where the patient later discovers they have a serious illness. Sometimes doctors misdiagnose symptoms, resulting in treatments and surgeries for a disease the patient didn’t have. The treatments didn’t solve the problem, and the subsequent cost is excessive. Within hospitals, emergency room and surgery mistakes can lead to injuries resulting in the patient’s death. Improper care can lead to infections that require further treatment.

How do we prove medical malpractice? There are several conditions to meet before medical malpractice is recognized. First, we must define the doctor’s job. Doctors have a duty to their patients which they are obligated to fulfill. Next, affirming the doctor’s responsibilities is key to determine the violation of their duty. As a result of the violation, an injury occurred. Not only do you need to prove the injury occurred; it needs to connect to the doctor’s error.  These requirements help determine the total of your compensation owed.

In New York, the time limit to file a medical malpractice claim is two-and-a-half years after the incident occurs. If you suspect that you or a loved one were a victim of medical malpractice, you could be eligible for compensation.  The attorneys at The Licatesi Law Group are here to help provide feedback on the potential of your claim. In the event that you need a medical malpractice attorney, you may call (516) 227-2662 for a free consultation.