The Coronavirus has taken a toll on many lives over the course of the last few months and those tolls are not only at home, but ironically on the roads and highways. In May, according to Business Insider, people are driving up to 60% faster across American metropolitan areas.

In the month of March alone when New York began experiencing the effects of the coronavirus, data from the Department of Finance indicates that despite that traffic levels decreased, speeding tickets increased. According to Streetsblog, from March 5 to March 24, 180,718 speeding tickets were issued against reckless drivers, representing an increase by more than 12 percent since January of this year. Most concerning is that since the coronavirus pandemic began, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) has implemented a more lenient policy towards drivers who are involved in crashes because under this new policy, drivers are not required to contact the police if an accident occurs without an injury.

Speeding and reckless driving have always been significant issues in causing major car accidents and serious personal injuries in Long Island and the five boroughs of New York City and should be treated no differently now. If you or your loved one are involved in a fatal car accident and sustain personal injuries as a result of the recklessness, carelessness, or negligence of another driver, The Licatesi Law Group is here to help. Call 516-227-2662 or email [email protected] to set up a free consultation.