Across New York, nursing home and other adult healthcare facilities have reported almost 4000 COVID-19 fatalities, roughly one out of every four coronavirus deaths in the state.
A Long Island resident from Nassau County who recently lost her mother at Cold Spring Hills Center for nursing and rehabilitation asked the questions; “where were the extra supplies? The extra staff? because she’s old and she is infirmed she does not count? They left them like they didn’t matter‘ says Ms. Garofolo.
Despite the mandate that all nursing facilities in New York are required to report to the department of health suspected and confirmed cases of the coronavirus, many New York State residents, especially in the Long Island area, feel that they have been left in the dark when it comes to accurate reporting of suspected and/or confirmed coronavirus cases and the resulting deaths of loved ones.
The Licatesi Law Group urges you to contact the NYS Department of Health if you feel a loved one has been neglected by a nursing home facility. The Licatesi Law Group also urges you to contact one of our attorneys if you or a family member have been injured by a nursing home or adult health care facility.