Providing our visitors with information regarding personal injury law is our goal for this blog. As misconceptions and myths frequently impede our comprehension of legal issues, we are here to dispel them. We'll dispel some widespread misconceptions regarding personal injury law in this post so you may better grasp your legal rights and the court system.

Myth 1: A personal injury claim always ends in a long court battle.

The truth is that some personal injury suits do end up in court, but most are settled outside of court. The goal is to find a solution that is fair, quick, and meets the needs of the person who was hurt. At The Licatesi Law Group, our experienced lawyers put a high priority on successful negotiation and other forms of alternative conflict resolution to avoid needless court fights and speed up the compensation process.

Myth 2: You can file a claim for personal injury at any time.

Claims for personal injuries have time limits that change by state and type of harm. In New York the statute of limitations is typically 3 years from the date of the CCIDENT. If you wait too long to make a claim, you might lose your chance to get money. At The Licatesi Law Group, we stress how important it is to move quickly after getting hurt to make sure you meet all the dates and protect your legal rights.

Myth 3: A personal injury claim can only be made for serious injuries.

In reality, personal injury cases aren't just for serious accidents. It's possible for even small accidents to have big effects on your health and your finances. You can ask for compensation for things like medical costs, lost wages, and psychological suffering. The Licatesi Law Group knows that personal injury cases are very different, and we are dedicated to helping our clients get the money they deserve, no matter how bad their accident is.

Myth 4: Insurance companies will give you fair compensation even if you don't have a lawyer.

Insurance companies are businesses that want to make money, and their main goal is to keep payouts as low as possible. Having a skilled personal injury lawyer on your side can make a big difference in how your claim turns out. The Licatesi Law Group does everything possible to make sure that insurance companies don't take advantage of our clients and that they get all the money they are owed.

Myth 5: It's cheaper to represent yourself than to hire a personal injury lawyer.

The Licatesi Law Group is like most personal injury lawyers in that they only get paid if they win your case. In other words, you don't have to pay our fees unless we win your case. It can be dangerous to represent yourself, and you might not get enough money for your case. Our team is committed to making sure that everyone who has been hurt can get legal help that is easy to get and doesn't cost a lot of money.

Myth 6: You have to file a personal injury claim right away after the accident.

Some accidents and their effects might not show up right away. Symptoms or problems may show up weeks or even months after the fact. The important thing is to talk to a personal injury lawyer as soon as you know about the damage and how it relates to the event. The Licatesi Law Group can help you get through the complicated process of a delayed injury claim and protect your rights.

Myth 7: Personal injury claims are solely for financial gain; they serve no other purpose.

Personal injury cases do two things: they compensate the wounded person for their losses and hold the responsible party responsible. People can get the money they need to heal financially and get the help they need for medical bills and therapy by filing for compensation. At the same time, making people responsible for their actions accountable promotes safer behavior and stops accidents from happening again.

Contact our New York law firm if you need legal help

At The Licatesi Law Group, we think that educating our clients about personal injury law will help them make informed decisions. It is essential that you comprehend your legal rights and the court system if you were hurt because of someone else's carelessness. Avoid being misled by popular misconceptions by speaking with our knowledgeable staff to help you understand the complexity of personal injury cases and get the money you are entitled to. Your rights are important, and our goal is to uphold them. Contact us today at (517) 227-2662 if you have any other questions.